Dr. Stephen A. Price


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Root Canal Therapy – The Basics

By: | Monday, November 30th, 2015 | Root Canal

Monday, November 30th, 2015

Dental CheckupMany patients are apprehensive about root canal therapy, but this treatment can relieve pain, make eating and drinking easier, prevent future problems, and save your original tooth. Keep reading to learn more about root canal therapy.

What are the signs you might need root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy can save your tooth, so it is important to be aware of signs that root canal therapy may be necessary. Common signs include:

Some patients need root canal therapy without noticing any problems. Be sure to schedule regular checkups with your dentist so that you can catch any problems as early as possible.

Why is this treatment important?

Root canal therapy is used to remove infected pulp from the inside of your tooth. Left untreated, the infection could spread and damage other parts of your mouth or result in the permanent loss of your tooth.

If, instead of ignoring the problem, you have the infection removed, the original tooth can be saved and restored. This can relieve pain, make it easier to eat and drink, prevent sensitivity, and help you avoid other oral health problems down the road.

What should you expect?

If you need root canal therapy, the dentist will start by taking an x-ray of your teeth to accurately assess the problem. The dentist will then formulate a treatment plan and numb the area being treated with a local anesthetic. This keeps the patient more comfortable and reduces the amount of pain. Then the infected material is removed from the tooth and the inside of the tooth is completely cleaned. Then the whole created during the procedure will be filled in using special material.

This treatment can save your tooth and help you protect your smile. If you’d like to learn more about root canal therapy and other treatments that can keep your teeth healthy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Stephen Price.



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