Dr. Stephen A. Price


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Healthy Diet And Healthy Teeth

By: | Thursday, July 30th, 2015 | Oral Health

Thursday, July 30th, 2015

The things you eat and drink have a substantial effect on the health of your teeth. Here’s what you should know before you plan your next meal:

What Should You Avoid?

Avoid the following foods and beverages to keep your teeth healthy:

If you’ve had a lot of dental work done, you should avoid the foods and beverages listed above, but you should also avoid chewy foods like bagels and food that can easily get stuck in your teeth like popcorn.

What Should You Work Into Your Diet?

While some foods and beverages can be bad for your teeth, many others will keep your teeth healthy.

First things first, you should drink lots of water every day. Water rinses your mouth out, and dislodges things that get stuck. It also helps your mouth produce saliva—saliva is your body’s powerful bacteria killing tool. It works hard to keep your mouth clean and healthy. If you don’t drink enough water, your body can’t produce saliva that kills bacteria and keeps your mouth clean.

Other foods and beverages that will help your teeth stay healthy include:

Eating foods with calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and protein will help your teeth stay strong, and protect your enamel.


If you have dentures, fillings, crowns, bridges, or other dental work, your dentist may have special instructions about what you should and should not eat. Ask your dentist for advice if you’re ever unsure about how eating a certain food will affect your teeth.


To learn more about protecting your smile and keeping your mouth healthy, schedule an appointment with Dr. Price.



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