Dr. Stephen A. Price


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Fillings and Crowns: Two Paths to Resilience

By: | Wednesday, August 30th, 2017 | Dental Fillings

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

Dental Fillings Burke, VADental decay is not a problem that can wait. As soon as you notice any indication of a potential cavity, such as sensitivity or a mild ache, schedule a visit with your dentist. In our Burke office, we like to perform as little restorative care as necessary. The earlier a problem is evaluated, the more conservatively we can act. On that note, why even wait for a problem to occur? Call our office today to schedule your routine checkup and cleaning! Now back to our regularly-scheduled post . . .

When we consider the idea of tooth decay, or cavities, the mind instinctively goes to fillings. Cavities and fillings go hand in hand, right? Not necessarily. Let’s look at the two options that may be considered for tooth repair.

Dental Fillings

When the outer shell of enamel has been damaged by bacteria (more precisely, the acidic debris from bacteria), a filling may be inserted into the area of decay after all diseased matter has been removed. Historically, fillings have been made of dental amalgam. Fortunately, we are phasing out the use of this material. Our patients receive composite fillings, which mimic the appearance of enamel for a much more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Another Side Note

Fillings, even strongly bonded composite fillings, have their limitations. Depending on the extent of damage, we may suggest a porcelain inlay. Inlays are quite durable due to the strength of porcelain. They also look a bit more natural than a composite due to the sheen of this material.

Dental Crowns

Decay that has extended over one or more of the cusps at the corner of a tooth cannot be adequately repaired with a dental filling or with an inlay. This degree of damage needs a dental crown. Dental crowns fit entirely over a tooth, completely to the gum line. The quality of materials that are available today support long-term function and a natural appearance. If a crown is needed, we explain all options for materials, their pros and cons, and let you make the final decision for restorative care.

You deserve to know that your oral health is in good hands. Our experienced team recognizes the capabilities and limitations of different dental restorations, and performs care in a manner that maximizes outcome.

To schedule a visit with us, call (703)750-9404.



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