Dr. Stephen A. Price


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See Why Gum Recession is Something to Avoid

By: | Friday, July 15th, 2016 | Gum Disease

Friday, July 15th, 2016

gum diseaseGum recession is not a new problem. In fact, there was a common phrase used centuries ago that was directly related to this condition. Typically, it was an older person who may be called “long in the tooth.” Clearly, our teeth do not continue to grow longer as the years go by. What happens is that more tooth structure becomes visible when gum tissue recedes.

Gum Recession is not just a Cosmetic Problem

Part of the functionality of gum tissue is to cover the roots of teeth. When this does not happen, the same bacteria that cause cavities on other parts of tooth structure can do harm. In fact, because root structure is softer than enamel, more damage can be done in a shorter period of time.

When underlying structures are not adequately covered with gum tissue, one of the first indicators maybe tooth sensitivity. The intense reaction to hot or cold foods and beverages is the result of poorly protected nerves.

In many instances, gum recession occurs because this connective tissue you has broken down and strength. This results in increased risk for plaque accumulation and the development of small pockets that house oral bacteria. The build up within these pockets may cause persistent bad breath, and it definitely increases the risk for infection known as gingivitis.Does Gum Recession = Gingivitis?In many cases, the two conditions are interrelated. However, it is possible that your gums may be receding in the absence of infection. This could actually be a good thing because it gives us the opportunity to correct the issue at hand before gum disease develops.

Why Gums may Recede

Price and our experienced dental team can help you keep your gums healthy. Schedule a visit to our Springfield office for friendly care.



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