Dr. Stephen A. Price


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Which Denture is the Right Denture for You?

Which Denture is the Right Denture for You?

Your dentist’s primary goal in caring for your teeth and gums is to help you keep your natural teeth for a lifetime. Tooth loss or necessary extraction sets the stage for ongoing problems. That’s why prompt action is recommended to replace a missing tooth or teeth. One of the most common ways this is achieved is with dentures or a dental bridge. Here, we discuss the various types of dentures so you can determine which may be right for you.

Types of Dentures

Several factors may cause tooth loss. Whatever the cause, dentures can be a good option for restoring chewing and speaking function. A partial denture may be considered when a few teeth need to be replaced. A fixed dental bridge may also be suitable in such cases. Full dentures, as implied by the name, are customized to the mouth to replace a full set of top or bottom teeth.

A fixed dental bridge is a restoration that requires the stability of surrounding teeth. To fit a dental bridge, the dentist creates crowns for two teeth. That means that they need to be reduced so the crowns fit over them. An artificial tooth called a pontic is bonded in between the crowns so, when the crowns are affixed to their teeth, the artificial tooth is secured in the empty space between.

A partial denture is also customized, similar to a dental bridge. This restoration, however, has an acrylic base that looks like gums and is stabilized with small clasps that grasp onto surrounding teeth. Both a dental bridge and a partial denture need particular care to ensure bacteria do not accumulate in small spaces.

Full dentures have artificial teeth set in an acrylic base that fits over the gums. Because complete tooth loss is often followed by bone degradation, full dentures typically need to be adjusted every so often. Maintaining dentures in this way decreases the likelihood of slipping and rubbing on the gums. An option that can be added to full dentures, and even larger bridges, is to secure them onto dental implants. Dental implants are small titanium cylinders that are inserted into the jawbone. The procedure is painless thanks to local anesthesia. After the cylinders are situated, the bone grows around them so they do not wiggle or shift. Because dental implants encourage ongoing bone regeneration, this is a preferred option for many patients.

Let’s Restore Your Smile

If you have suffered tooth loss or need to have teeth extracted, we are here to help you rebuild a smile that looks and feels natural. Call (703)-935-2879 to schedule your visit to our Burke office.

Dentures Don’t Have to Be a Pain

Years ago, when dentures were in their early developmental stages, this method of tooth replacement was often observed as a last resort. People would only get dentures when their natural teeth were lost or needed to be removed due to dental disease. At that time, the dentures that were available rarely fit as well as they needed to, which then meant that they were uncomfortable and hardly capable of chewing a wide variety of foods. Today, dentures are made so well that they are nearly indistinguishable from natural teeth.

As far as we’ve come in resolving the issues that were the norm for early denture wearers, these dental devices still have somewhat of a bad rap. Perhaps one reason this happens is that people believe that dentures have become so good these days that they should never slip or cause discomfort in any way. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Sometimes, dentures can feel a little less-than-perfect. Here, we suggest a few tips for managing the fit and stability of your full dentures.

Getting Adjusted

Often, it is right after a person receives dentures for the first time when they experience new and potentially unpleasant sensations. It can take some time to adapt to having a row of acrylic teeth sitting over the gums. To manage this adjustment phase, try:

  • Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water a few times a day. This reduces inflammation.
  • Applying a topical analgesic such as a teething cream to the gums to relieve soreness.
  • Massaging the gums gently, maybe with a warm cloth, to increase circulation to sore tissue.
  • Using a denture adhesive to reduce any slippage that may occur while dentures are worn.

The adjustment period for new dentures is typically limited to about two weeks. If discomfort or slipping continues beyond that time frame, contact your dentist for assistance.

Natural Changes Could Lead to Discomfort

When there are no natural teeth in the mouth, the body naturally breaks down the bone that once supported them. These changes are typically most substantial in the first 18 months after a full denture is made. This is why dentures may need to be adjusted more frequently in the first 2 years of wearing dentures. After that time, the rate of bone deterioration slows down but it does not stop. Periodic relining of the dentures is necessary to keep up with these natural changes.

Relining due to bone resorption may be less of a necessity if you choose to support your dentures with dental implants. The process may take slightly longer but the results of this hybrid treatment can last decades.

Learn more about denture treatment by calling our Burke office at (703)-935-2879, where we can schedule your consultation with Dr. Price.

Are Dentures in Your Near Future? Here’s How to Plan for an Easier Transition!

Oral Health | BURKE, VA

Dentures provide a convenient and affordable solution for missing teeth. In our Burke dental office, Dr. Price carefully plans denture treatment around each patient’s needs. Whether you have several missing teeth already or you will undergo immediate denture treatment in which unhealthy teeth will be extracted and your denture will be seated in the same appointment, there is a transitional period in which you may encounter some odd experiences. Here, we offer a few suggestions that can help you get used to living with full dentures.

Expect a Few Modifications

Adjustments will likely be necessary after receiving a new denture. In the weeks following tooth extraction, swelling of the gums gradually subsides. As this happens, the fit of the upper and lower denture will change. In the first 18 months after teeth are extracted, the jawbone goes through quite a transformation in shape, as well. Through these changes, it is vital that adjustments are made periodically to keep the fit of your denture snug and stable.

Consider Temporary Dietary Changes

Dentures sit on top of the gums, which can take some getting used to. When tooth extraction accompanies the denture seating, the gums and jaw may feel sore for a few days. The new denture may also feel somewhat “clumsy” in the mouth. During this time, stress can be reduced by consuming softer foods. This is not the time to indulge in hard foods like popcorn or denser foods like a steak. For at least a few days, the mouth will appreciate a diet of eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, soup, and other foods that are soft and easy to chew.

Prioritize Oral Health

One of the most meaningful tips we can offer anyone who wears dentures is to continually prioritize oral health. Just because natural teeth have been replaced with artificial teeth that will not decay doesn’t mean disease cannot develop. In addition to cleaning dentures, it is necessary to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to clean the gums. Just as you once brushed your teeth twice a day, you will be encouraged to brush your gums twice a day to keep the tissue beneath your dentures free of harmful bacteria.

A lot changes when natural teeth are replaced with dentures. We are here to support you through your transition with clear information and compassionate care. Learn more about tooth replacement options in a consultation at our Burke office. Call (703)-935-2879.

Immediate Dentures give you Reason to Keep Right on Smiling

In our Northern Virginia dental office, it is our desire to accommodate each patient’s needs. Dr. Price understands that there is no singular form of care that is right for every person. For this reason, our patients have choices in the services they may need. For instance, full dentures may suit patients who want an expedited way to replace missing teeth. However, traditional denture treatment requires an eight-week healing period before dentures can be seated. Knowing that this is not acceptable for many people, Dr. Price also offers immediate dentures.

Are immediate dentures right for you?

Some of the reasons that patients seek immediate denture treatment include:

  • Decay has damaged teeth down to the gum line
  • There are few natural teeth remaining, affecting appearance and functionality
  • Advanced periodontal disease is causing persistent problems
  • Remaining teeth are quite loose
  • Natural teeth are unhealthy and unattractive, and a fast solution is needed
  • Tooth replacement is wanted in as few visits as possible

What it takes to Get Immediate Dentures

denturesWe believe that dental care should be pleasant, efficient, and convenient. The process of immediate dentures involves a few very important steps:

  • We provide full details on the treatment process and ensure you have no lingering questions
  • We discuss payment and financing options as needed to ensure treatment fits into your budget
  • Data is gathered to assist us in designing your new smile
  • Specifics are sent to our dental lab, where your temporary denture will be made prior to your extraction procedure
  • The day of your extractions, your temporary denture will be seated
  • We will follow up with you to ensure the fit of your new denture is comfortable
  • Once your gums have fully healed, your final denture will be designed and made

Benefits of immediate dentures

The primary benefit to immediate dentures is that you will spend absolutely zero time without a full set of teeth. This process also has a positive effect on your overall state of oral health and well-being. This is especially true for individuals who are suffering advanced periodontal disease or tooth decay. Extracting unhealthy teeth and placing a well-fit denture can significantly improve comfort as well as confidence.

You deserve to feel good about your smile. Learn more about immediate dentures during your visit with Dr. Price.


Denture Care for Dummies

So you just decided that it’s time for you to get dentures. Before you make the final decision, there is a lot you should know, especially since dentures require more extra care than other options to replace missing teeth. So are you up to the denture challenge?

A Different Kind of Brushing

Just like you should brush your teeth every morning and night, you also need to brush your dentures. However, things will go down a little differently. First, you don’t want to use a normal toothbrush. Look for one with soft  bristles that is specifically-designed for use on dentures. Next, do not use toothpaste. Brush with only water. These two conditions are to protect your dentures from abrasive materials and extra wear and tear.

Everything else is pretty self-explanatory. Brush all over to remove food and prevent stains. Rinse your dentures (meaning, remove them from your mouth) after every time you eat. You will also need to brush your gums and tongue, just like you did without your dentures. These parts of your mouth will still get dirty, and you need to prevent gum disease.

A Little TLC

Your dentures will be very fragile, so make sure to treat them with care. When brushing, do not brush too hard, and avoid damaging the plastic or attachments that will help them stay in your mouth. In addition, if you drop them they will break, so always hold them over a soft folded towel or a sink full of water.

Squeaky Clean and in Tip-Top Shape

If you can, buy special denture cleaner. At the very least, you need to use mild soap, such as hand soap or dishwashing liquid to clean your dentures. There are also some cleaning devices that use ultrasonic sound waves to clean extra debris off your dentures. Each night after you clean your dentures, place them in a denture solution to keep them from drying out and becoming misshapen.

If you have more questions about how to care for your dentures or what you can expect from these new “teeth,” talk to your dentist.

Here’s What to Expect from Your New Dentures!

Models - 54We assure patients with new dentures that even the most well-fitting dentures will likely feel foreign in your mouth during the first few weeks. It takes time for your tongue, teeth, cheeks, and lips to get used to chewing and speaking with your new dentures.

If you have new dentures, it’s not uncommon to experience the following:

  • Minor irritation or soreness. In case of severe irritation, your dentist can make adjustments during follow-up appointments. Additionally, you may feel that your mouth is strangely bulky with an accompanying increase in saliva production.
  • Denture fit may be loose at first, particularly the lower dentures. A denture adhesive in the form of gels or strips can help promote the right fit during the first few weeks of use.
  • Eating may be moderately difficult days or weeks following placement. It often takes six to eight weeks for most patients with new dentures to be able to chew effectively with a normal diet. A soft food diet is a good start, as well as cutting foods into pieces instead of chewing them with your front teeth. Also, chewing slowly can help prevent dentures from tipping.
  • A certain thickness in your speech may be obvious during the first few days. You may also notice that your dentures will click while speaking fast. Repeating difficult words and reading out loud can help improve speech problems with your new dentures.
  • It’s perfectly normal for your dentures to occasionally slip when you laugh, yawn, or cough. You can subtly reposition the dentures with your fingers if they slip.

Would you like to learn more about dentures and similar tooth replacement options? Give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Dentures or Implants?

If you have missing teeth, you may be trying to decide between dentures and implants. Both options are available to anyone, and your choice will depend on personal preference. There are advantages and disadvantages to both and several things to consider before deciding.

Most people prefer dentures because they are more affordable than implants. Implants are much more convenient, however. Both are made of the dentures vs. implantssame materials are are equally durable.

While dentures cost less, you tend to get what you pay for. The lower set have a tendency to move around inside the mouth. This can cause gum irritation, which is painful and uncomfortable. Sores can develop after a while and dentures can’t be worn while the sores heal. Dental adhesives are recommended to keep dentures in place, but can also be unpleasant. After going to the dentist, your dentures can be developed and received within a day.

For implants, the procedure involved can take months and the cost is much more than dentures. However, implants are permanent replacements that will last a lifetime. Talk to your doctor and choose whichever works best for you and your budget.

Taking Care of Your Dentures

Wearing dentures, whether partial or full, is a popular tooth replacement option here in our Springfield dental practice. Dentures are ideal if you have lost your permanent teeth as a result of injury, gum disease, or severe dental cavities.

Apart from huge cosmetic improvements, dentures also make it easier for you chew and speak. In addition, wearing dentures also help avoid your face from sagging, making you look older than you really are. Despite the lack of teeth, it still pays to practice good oral hygiene habits when wearing dentures. Below is quick guide to taking care of them! 

  • Before brushing the rest of your mouth and teeth, rinse your dentures to remove food particles stuck in between.
  • Use soft-bristled toothbrush and  a non-abrasive cleaner when cleaning your dentures to reduce the chances of getting them scratched.
  • When not wearing your dentures, soak them in a covered jar filled with water to avoid them from losing their shape.
  • Don’t forget to thoroughly clean your mouth and teeth too particularly hard-to-reach areas such as your gums, your tongue, and the roof of your mouth. 

Do you have any questions about getting dentures in Springfield, Virginia? For a free no-obligation consultation, call us at (703) 750-9404 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve a naturally beautiful smile!




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