Dr. Stephen A. Price


Call today for your free no obligation consultation: (703)-935-2879



Ages and Stages Do Not Get By Us

dental services Invisalign Burke, VAOne of the treatments that we specialize in is Invisalign. Our expertise in the planning and follow-through has helped many of our patients feel more at home in their smile. We greatly enjoy the work that we do to make a smile look more attractive and remain as healthy as possible. At the same time, Invisalign is just one of several services that we offer to patients from the Burke area. And the treatments themselves are just the tip of the iceberg.

It is one thing to say that you want to assist patients in maintaining oral health. It is another to follow up with action. One of the ways that we do this is by paying close attention to the ages and stages of our patients’ lives and knowing the problems they may bring. The older patient population, in particular, may face concerns such as:

Periodontal Disease

Inflammation and infection are two prominent concerns that every person may face at one point or another. Our goal is to minimize the risks that could lead to periodontal disease. Routine dental care is conducted carefully and with a close eye on warning signs like gum recession and chronic bad breath. The better we can team up with patients to ensure healthy habits, the less likely we are to have to repair damage caused by gum disease.


Stained, dull teeth can be problematic no matter how old you are. Many of our patients who are near or past retirement age are still going strong in their chosen profession. They want to keep their competitive edge, and they want to feel confident. Discoloration could stem from all those years of morning coffee, or it may tell us that enamel has become quite thin. In either situation, we can find an appropriate treatment to reinstate radiance and optimal tooth structure.

Dry Mouth

We call it xerostomia. Patients who have the dry mouth call it a nuisance, an annoying problem that they would like to manage as best as possible. Dry mouth occurs for some reasons, and it is, fortunately, a relatively easy problem to control. Ideally, the mouth is moist at all times. For the person with dry mouth, this may need to be achieved with frequent sips of water, or with sugarless gum. Because dry mouth makes it easier for teeth and gums to be worn down by acidity, frequent dental visits are also advisable.

We’ve got you covered through the life stages you and your smile go through. To schedule friendly care with your Burke dentist, call (703)-935-2879.

Posted on October 30th, 2017


Halloween Can Be Dangerous Even for Invisalign Patients!

Invisalign Burke, VAWe are entering into an exciting time of year. The kids have settled into the routine of a new school year, and are now eagerly looking forward to the upcoming special occasions; the first of which is Halloween. This fun-filled day cannot be classified as a holiday, but, for some people, it is the day they most look forward to throughout the year. The pumpkin-carving and decorating that take place before Halloween pale in comparison to the day on which the Big Party can be had. Even if a Halloween bash is not in your plans, there are a few important things you need to know about this day of the year and how it can be dangerous for patients with Invisalign.

One of the primary reasons that patients choose Invisalign aligner system to correct mild to moderate misalignment is because this method of straightening teeth does not require a full, non-negotiable, 24/7 commitment. Teens and adults who wear braces may feel they are missing out around the holidays. No hard or sticky candies. No gooey caramel apples. No popcorn balls. To be an Invisalign patient at this time of year may feel like a windfall of good fortune. At the same time, lack of awareness could lead to unexpected – and unpleasant – problems.

How Invisalign Could Get Scary Around Halloween

  • A beneficial aspect of Invisalign, the fact that aligners can be removed, can also be one of the greatest challenges of this treatment protocol. Any busy time of year, even a single day for a Halloween feast, brings with it the risk of losing an aligner. If during a night of gathering candy, a patient wants to leave aligners out, it is necessary to find a safe and consistent location where they will not accidentally be thrown away.
  • Not having braces to brush around or potentially break is a good thing, especially with so many mini-treats to enjoy! However, the extra indulgence in candy around this time of year must be met with an increased awareness of oral hygiene. Teeth must be brushed after consuming sugary treats, and they must be flossed. Aligners also need a good rinse before they go back into the mouth. Forgetting, even a few times, could lead to decay that could have been avoided.

Our Burke office is recognized as a leader in Invisalign treatment in Northern Virginia. To learn more, call (703)-935-2879.

Posted on October 15th, 2017


Damaged Tooth? Here’s Why it May Not Be as Unexpected as You Think!

Dental Services  Burke, VAOne of the objectives we have when treating patients is to help them avoid problems as much as possible. How much nicer would dental visits – and life in general – be if you never had to endure a toothache; if you never needed a filling or root canal or crown! We imagine that there would be a lot less stress on an individual level!

We may understand that prevention is the best medicine, but that doesn’t mean we know exactly what to do to avoid dental injuries like cracked or broken teeth. To take action steps, it is necessary to know what, exactly, you’re trying to prevent. The idea of preventing tooth damage is too broad. Here, we break it down into specific steps, and why they are necessary.

Daily Oral Care

As if you need to hear again how you need to brush and floss every day, right? The thing is, dental injuries including chips and fractures are often preceded by unnoticed, minor damage to enamel. This damage is weakness caused by bacterial activity in the mouth. There is no way to completely eradicate the thousands of microorganisms that call your mouth home. This is why we consistently see those messages about brushing and flossing. When we brush (two full minutes) morning and night, we keep the scales of acidity tipped in our favor. We can further improve our protective measures against enamel weakness by sipping water throughout the day. Every few minutes. The water-rinse dilutes acidic residue and disrupts the formation of plaque.

Stress Management for your Teeth?

Stress management has become a hot topic of discussion in recent years, as research has discovered the link between unmitigated stress and a host of health concerns, including cardiac disease. But the mouth? Where does stress come in to affect our teeth? The link between stress and dental injuries, including cracks and broken teeth, is bruxism. When we are carrying stress, the body instinctively works to release it. Often, this occurs at night, when we sleep. Bruxism is an unconscious habit of grinding teeth or clenching the jaw. Ultimately, the excessive force can cause the gums to pull away from teeth. Enamel and dental restorations can also be damaged by this force. Reduce stress with specific techniques such as deep breathing, or another method that works for you. Also, put a barrier between that stress and your teeth in the form of a custom-fit night guard made by your dentist.

Do you need restorative dental care? Call our Burke office at (703)750-9404.

Posted on September 30th, 2017


Helping Students Stay Ahead of Dental Problems

Dental Services Burke, VAStudents of all ages are busy, to say the least. This time of year is filled with exciting new possibilities, new friends, and new challenges. In between finding new classrooms and finding new friends and interests, there is very little space to give thought to oral care. We can’t expect students to think about how they can avoid cavities and other problems when there are so many other thoughts filling their minds. What we can do, though, is lend a helping hand.

Like a friendly neighborhood dentist in Northern Virginia, Dr. Price and our team see a lot of young people interested in Invisalign. In addition to developing successful treatment protocols, we discuss inventive ways to keep teeth healthy and injury-free during the school year. Some of our suggestions are . . .

  • Think of the future. This one is for parents. Once the school year is settled into a nice groove, parents can think ahead to the next convenient time for dental checkups and cleanings. Mid-year holiday break time is an excellent option for busy students and parents. However, if your student did not have a checkup and cleaning during the summer months, you may need to contact us sooner for the routine care that catches problems early.
  • Think about protection. It is easy to trust in the school-provided or recommended protective gear for student athletes. Numerous studies suggest that there could be a problem when it comes to the prevention of dental injuries. Most students are steered toward affordable, easy boil-and-bite mouth guards for any sports. What research has found is that these are often left on the bench. Why? Because they are uncomfortable! Give your student a leg up by talking with your dentist about a custom-fit mouth guard.
  • Think for your student. Sometimes, parents have to think about the important things that their children can easily forget – like brushing and flossing. Young students may need a weekly chart and reward system to encourage them to brush regularly (two minutes, twice a day!). Older students may also need an age-appropriate reward system or at least a friendly reminder.

Dental needs do not go away when life gets busy. In fact, this is when we most need to remember our oral care habits. To get help from your Burke dentist, call (703)750-9404.

Posted on September 15th, 2017


Fillings and Crowns: Two Paths to Resilience

Dental Fillings Burke, VADental decay is not a problem that can wait. As soon as you notice any indication of a potential cavity, such as sensitivity or a mild ache, schedule a visit with your dentist. In our Burke office, we like to perform as little restorative care as necessary. The earlier a problem is evaluated, the more conservatively we can act. On that note, why even wait for a problem to occur? Call our office today to schedule your routine checkup and cleaning! Now back to our regularly-scheduled post . . .

When we consider the idea of tooth decay, or cavities, the mind instinctively goes to fillings. Cavities and fillings go hand in hand, right? Not necessarily. Let’s look at the two options that may be considered for tooth repair.

Dental Fillings

When the outer shell of enamel has been damaged by bacteria (more precisely, the acidic debris from bacteria), a filling may be inserted into the area of decay after all diseased matter has been removed. Historically, fillings have been made of dental amalgam. Fortunately, we are phasing out the use of this material. Our patients receive composite fillings, which mimic the appearance of enamel for a much more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Another Side Note

Fillings, even strongly bonded composite fillings, have their limitations. Depending on the extent of damage, we may suggest a porcelain inlay. Inlays are quite durable due to the strength of porcelain. They also look a bit more natural than a composite due to the sheen of this material.

Dental Crowns

Decay that has extended over one or more of the cusps at the corner of a tooth cannot be adequately repaired with a dental filling or with an inlay. This degree of damage needs a dental crown. Dental crowns fit entirely over a tooth, completely to the gum line. The quality of materials that are available today support long-term function and a natural appearance. If a crown is needed, we explain all options for materials, their pros and cons, and let you make the final decision for restorative care.

You deserve to know that your oral health is in good hands. Our experienced team recognizes the capabilities and limitations of different dental restorations, and performs care in a manner that maximizes outcome.

To schedule a visit with us, call (703)750-9404.

Posted on August 30th, 2017


Ways to Reduce Sensitivity

general dentistryTooth sensitivity is a bigger problem than many people imagine. Because of the widespread nature of this condition, and the availability of oral care products formulated for sensitive teeth, many people who struggle to enjoy meals never broach the topic with their dentist. This could be a mistake! We have a few different ways that we can help patients resolve the source of their sensitivity. When this is done, quality of life improves.

There is no singular cause that incites the nerves of teeth to become overreactive. The underlying issue is an important clue to how we may treat sensitivity for long-term comfort. To discover what may be behind your highly-sensitive teeth, schedule a full dental exam with your Burke dentist, Dr. Price.

Sensitivity: Causes and Treatments

For sensitivity to be resolved, we must address the source. There are two common sources of sensitivity besides tooth decay. These are erosion and gum inflammation. We’ll take a look at each and discuss potential treatment options.


Erosion occurs when surface enamel is gradually degraded. Usually, this is the result of acidity, or “acid washing,” as some dentists call it. When you consume a carbonated beverage, its acidic ingredients wash over all of your teeth. If you do not rinse afterward, these ingredients will sit on teeth, breaking down enamel. When erosion occurs, the layer of material that covers nerves is diminished, and sensitivity is the result.

There is no way to make new enamel grow. To minimize sensitivity caused by erosion, we may suggest either dental crowns or veneers. The coverage of a crown is ideal for back teeth, while a veneer, which covers the front surface of a tooth, may be more appropriate for front teeth.


The gums may become inflamed and weak also as a result of oral acidity. When tissue weakens, it pulls away from tooth structure. This creates pockets in which bacteria can settle in for the long haul. The numerous bacteria that live in periodontal pockets degrade the cementum that covers root structure, which allows stimulation to have a heightened effect on nerves. Cementum, like enamel, may not be restored. However, a good, deep periodontal cleaning can remove bacteria and encourage gum tissue to tighten up around teeth, thus reducing sensitivity.

Do you need dental care to resolve tooth sensitivity? Contact us at (703)750-9404.

Posted on August 15th, 2017


The Breath Question

dental treatments Burke, VADoes my breath smell? If you have someone whom you trust implicitly, you may ask this question from time to time. If you don’t or are just on the shy side, you may ask it of yourself. We all like to know that our breath is not creating a barrier between ourselves and other people. Sometimes, it can be difficult to know for sure. So, we often rely on mints or chewing gum to provide a sense of security that our breath is fresh. If you want to put an end to a continual cover-up, try exploring the potential cause of persistent bad breath.

Might it be your brushing habits?

The first place we look when exploring bad breath is in the daily routine. We all know how mundane brushing and flossing can be. We know how easy it is to skip, forget, or just get through the act of oral hygiene as quickly as possible. The downside to these mistakes is a buildup of plaque and bacteria on teeth, the gums, and on the tongue. To resolve bad breath, first try:

  • Setting a timer for two minutes to ensure adequate brushing time.
  • Spending that two minutes in close attention, making sure to brush every tooth, every surface.
  • Moving straight from brushing to flossing. Yes, it’s a must.
  • Scraping the back of the tongue with a tongue-scraper. You may be surprised just now much “gunk” accumulates there.
  • Rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash to top off morning and evening hygiene.

If improvements in oral hygiene do not get to the heart of the matter of bad breath, it may be time to see your dentist.

Do you wear dentures?

Denture wearers often become highly conscientious about their breath. A bad taste in the mouth is a prime indicator that something is not quite right, and that breath may be turning toward the dark side. If dentures and bad breath are walking hand-in-hand, you can:

  • Brush dentures every day rather than only soaking them. Brushing should be done with a denture brush, and only over a soft surface.
  • Brush or wipe the gums with a soft cloth, morning and night. Bacteria don’t just gather on dentures; they also linger in the mouth.
  • Scrape the back of the tongue to remove debris and odor-causing bacteria.
  • Schedule a visit with your dentist for a denture evaluation and adjustment. The fit of your dentures affects chewing, speaking, and general oral health.

There are more reasons that bad breath may occur, including oral infection, dry mouth, and health conditions such as diabetes. We can help you manage bad breath with personal dental care in our friendly Burke office. Call (703)750-9404.


Posted on July 30th, 2017


Before you Go

Invisalign BurkeOnce summertime hits full-swing status, travel is on the minds of more of us than not. Getting out and seeing the country, or the world is a pastime you don’t want to miss out on just because you or your child are smack dab in the middle of Invisalign treatment. Let’s face it, even though it is ultra-convenient to straighten teeth with clear plastic aligners, any detour from the day-to-day norm can throw quite the monkey wrench into the desired outcome. If you are preparing a summertime vacation, there are a few things you should know before you go.

Traveling with Invisalign

Managing Invisalign treatment can be easy when you’re traveling, as long as you have prepared. A few steps you can take to prevent unnecessary stress include:

  • Talk with your dentist about the timing of your trip. If necessary, your next set of aligners may need to be provided to you in advance of your travels.
  • Also, talk with your dentist about what to do if your current aligners become lost or damaged during your trip. It may be possible to insert the following set to progress your treatment in the right direction.
  • If you are flying, keep aligners and a hygiene kit in a carryon bag rather than a checked bag. This way, if a flight is delayed or baggage is lost, your treatment plan is not disrupted.
  • Consider booking aisle seats on long flights that will enable you to easily get in and out for brushing after in-flight meals.
  • A hygiene kit is also advantageous for road trips. Just remember to use it! Tooth-brushing should not fall to the wayside when you can easily stop roadside for a quick refresher.
  • If a day trip takes you away from your hygiene kit, find ways to rinse your mouth out periodically. The best way to do this may be to carry a water bottle at all times. This can prevent the accidental use of unsafe water.
  • If you know that water is not safe to drink, do not use it to clean aligners. Boil water for cleaning, just like you do for drinking.

We are happy to assist you with safe, stress-free summertime travel with Invisalign. Contact us with questions or to schedule your pre-trip visit.


Posted on July 15th, 2017


Protect the Landscape of your Mouth During Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign Burke, VAThe Invisalign system of straightening teeth has brought millions of patients out of the woodwork. The primary concern that keeps a large number of people from talking with their dentist about misalignment has been the side effects of braces. You know them: a metallic smile, sores or cuts on the lips and cheeks, the inability to eat your favorite foods. This is just a sampling of what people expect to encounter if they must wear braces. Invisalign has made the process much simpler.

Patients who choose Invisalign can bypass these frustrations. However, that does not mean they are in the clear when it comes to dental health. The fact is, there are risks to enamel and gum tissue that stem from the fit of Invisalign aligners. These trays fit over the teeth, right up to the gums. This full-coverage model can spell disaster if oral care is not taken seriously every single day of treatment.

The Process of Erosion

Tooth decay is one of the most common problems to affect teeth. It is cavities that we most often fear when we think of how to take care of our mouth. The truth is, dentists are seeing just as much widespread enamel erosion as they are tooth decay these days. Here’s why . . .

In this day and age, we tend to consume a lot of acids. That’s right! You wouldn’t think of pouring acid in your mouth, but there is a high likelihood that you are doing this inadvertently on a continual basis. Every soda that is consumed, every bite of salad with vinaigrette dressing, even that lemon water; it all degrades enamel. And degraded enamel can mean cavities and more. The loss of a strong layer of enamel creates a risk of chips, discoloration, and sensitivity.

What you can do

Whether you are wearing Invisalign at the moment or not, you can mitigate the risks of tooth erosion and decay by sipping water several times an hour. Patients who wear Invisalign need to create mindful habits around oral hygiene. Flossing is a must. Brushing should be done after eating. When non-water beverages are consumed, the mouth should be rinsed with water – and aligners should be, too!

Oral health is not difficult to maintain. Your Burke Invisalign Premiere Provider can help you develop healthy habits throughout your course of treatment.

Posted on June 30th, 2017


Manage the Trials of Summertime Travel with These Simple Tips

dental exam and cleaning Burke, VAIn any normal day at home, it is easy to remember what to do to maintain a healthy, radiant smile. You brush as you should. Hopefully, you also floss as you should. Additionally, your refrigerator may be filled with foods that foster good health and vitality, including healthy teeth. Something strange happens to most of us when we are away for a day, or for several weeks, our healthy habits go out the window!

Wherever the road takes you this summer, there are a few ways that you can make sure your smile doesn’t suffer.

  1. Bring it with you. Healthy food that is. Just a day of reveling in the convenience of fast food or processed chips and sodas from the roadside market is enough to send your oral health into a tailspin. An alternative that is kind to your wallet and your mouth is to pack healthy, crunchy foods that will cleanse your teeth of plaque while filling the mouth with flavor. Apples, carrots, and celery are examples of teeth-cleansing foods. Water-rich foods like watermelon and cucumber are also advantageous for their saliva-inducing properties.
  2. Sip the day away. We are taught that we should consume plenty of water each day, but we are not taught how to do that. Chugging a big glass of water in the morning is counterproductive. It leads you to assume you have done your fair share when most of that water is eliminated very quickly. Regarding oral and general health, the better practice is to sip water every few minutes. In the mouth, the frequent sipping works toward balancing pH and also diluting residues from previous meals and snacks.
  3. Expect a few surprises. Travel of any kind is bound to expose us to a few new adventures. Some of them pertain to the mouth! If you have ever trekked far from home, you may remember at some point during the long hours that your mouth started to feel, well, dirty. This situation can be managed easily if you have prepared a travel kit containing a toothbrush, floss, and a travel-sized mouthwash.

Aside from taking as many breaks as you can this summer, another beneficial thing to do is see your dentist for a routine exam and cleaning, or for that cosmetic work you’ve been wanting. We’re here to help you. Call (703)750-9404.

Posted on June 15th, 2017




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