Dr. Stephen A. Price


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Dental Implants

Models - 54Having missing or visibly bad teeth isn’t something anyone should be saddled with. It becomes a stigma. You don’t want to open your mouth and you don’t want to see your face as you brush your teeth in the morning. Is this you?

If so, you need to consider dental implants. Dental implants provide a safe, effective way to restore your teeth to their original state. Dental implants are permanent; once they are implanted you will never know they are there. But now when you look in the mirror you will like the smile you see.

Dental implants are cost effective, as most dental plans cover the procedure. We will discuss this with you when you are making your decisions about whether or not to have implants.


The first step of the process is to see if you are a candidate for the procedure. If the tooth, or teeth, have been absent for a period of time it might be more difficult or impossible to put implants in their place because of bone loss and other factors. This can be remedied with bone grafting.


If you are a candidate for dental implants the doctor will discuss the procedure, the cost, and if you will need to take time off work to complete the process.

The procedure is done in a step-by-step method with time in between each of the steps to allow for healing of the gums and to ensure that the implant post is adhering to the bone.


The last step in the process is placing you new teeth. These teeth will be made especially for you. The color of the implant will match the color of your other original teeth; no one will be able to tell them apart. You will have the freedom of your complete set of teeth, and a dazzling smile to go with it.

Posted on April 30th, 2015


Here’s What to Expect from Your New Dentures!

Models - 54We assure patients with new dentures that even the most well-fitting dentures will likely feel foreign in your mouth during the first few weeks. It takes time for your tongue, teeth, cheeks, and lips to get used to chewing and speaking with your new dentures.

If you have new dentures, it’s not uncommon to experience the following:

  • Minor irritation or soreness. In case of severe irritation, your dentist can make adjustments during follow-up appointments. Additionally, you may feel that your mouth is strangely bulky with an accompanying increase in saliva production.
  • Denture fit may be loose at first, particularly the lower dentures. A denture adhesive in the form of gels or strips can help promote the right fit during the first few weeks of use.
  • Eating may be moderately difficult days or weeks following placement. It often takes six to eight weeks for most patients with new dentures to be able to chew effectively with a normal diet. A soft food diet is a good start, as well as cutting foods into pieces instead of chewing them with your front teeth. Also, chewing slowly can help prevent dentures from tipping.
  • A certain thickness in your speech may be obvious during the first few days. You may also notice that your dentures will click while speaking fast. Repeating difficult words and reading out loud can help improve speech problems with your new dentures.
  • It’s perfectly normal for your dentures to occasionally slip when you laugh, yawn, or cough. You can subtly reposition the dentures with your fingers if they slip.

Would you like to learn more about dentures and similar tooth replacement options? Give us a call to schedule an appointment.

Posted on April 15th, 2015


Dentures or Implants?

If you have missing teeth, you may be trying to decide between dentures and implants. Both options are available to anyone, and your choice will depend on personal preference. There are advantages and disadvantages to both and several things to consider before deciding.

Most people prefer dentures because they are more affordable than implants. Implants are much more convenient, however. Both are made of the dentures vs. implantssame materials are are equally durable.

While dentures cost less, you tend to get what you pay for. The lower set have a tendency to move around inside the mouth. This can cause gum irritation, which is painful and uncomfortable. Sores can develop after a while and dentures can’t be worn while the sores heal. Dental adhesives are recommended to keep dentures in place, but can also be unpleasant. After going to the dentist, your dentures can be developed and received within a day.

For implants, the procedure involved can take months and the cost is much more than dentures. However, implants are permanent replacements that will last a lifetime. Talk to your doctor and choose whichever works best for you and your budget.

Posted on February 28th, 2015


Pain Management for Extracted Teeth

It is no secret that pulling teeth is painful. The amount of pain is based on several factors. The experience is tooth extraction and pain managementdifferent for everyone. How do you know if you are feeling a normal level of pain?

First, you need to keep in mind personal pain tolerance level. If you’ve ever been injured or had surgery, you probably know how much pain you can normally take. If the pain in your mouth is worse than that, you should talk to your dentist. Infections, dry sockets and other problems are common after tooth extractions and can cause severe pain.

Most often, people who have a tooth removed feel pain that is not severe and can be managed with medication or over the counter pain medicines, like ibuprofen and Tylenol. A more severe pain around 12 hours after having the tooth removed is normal. This pain usually disappears as the healing process continues.

Another type of pain develops around the extraction site, lasting for several days. This is the most severe type and lasts the longest. Right after surgery, a pain medication will be given. This medicine is in the form of a pill and is simply taken with water. The more severe the pain is, the higher up on the scale the painkillers go. Dentists will prescribe over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, or a prescription like hydrocodone.

Posted on February 15th, 2015


Information about Oral Cancer Screenings

Models - 54If you have a history of cancer in your family, it is very important that you are screened for it throughout your life. Screening does not mean that you will never get cancer. But, as with most diseases, the earlier you catch it, the more likely treatments will succeed. Tests and screenings are recommended for people who have a family history of cancer, and for those with certain lifestyle choices such as smoking.

These tests are important, obviously, for the patient, but also for scientists and researchers. Without screenings, there would be no statistics to show who is more likely to contract cancer and why they contract it compared with others. By taking the screening tests, patients help themselves because they find out what the chances are that they have or will contract oral cancer, and the dental industry is aided by the research and statistics provided by these screenings.

Typically, a screening is done at the same time as a routine check-up. The doctor or dentist will look for any lesions, patches of abnormal white cells (known as leukoplakia), and red patches (known as erythroplakia). If these lesions are left on the mucus membranes in the mouth, there is a chance they will become cancerous.

If there are lesions in the mouth, the dentist or doctor will use one of the following to predict the chances of developing oral cancer.

  • Brush biopsy – The removal of cells with a special dental brush developed to collect cells from each layer in the lesion. A microscope will show if the cells are abnormal.
  • Toluidine blue stain – The lesions are coated with a blue dye. Darker areas are or are likely to become cancer.
  • Exfoliative cytology – A tool is used to gently scrape cells from the throat, tongue, lips, or mouth. These cells are scrutinized under a microscope.
  • Fluorescence staining – The lesions are viewed under a special light. Normal tissue will look different than abnormal tissue.

Your chances of discovering oral cancer early are increased dramatically when you ask your doctor to do a screening during a routine checkup. If you believe you have a chance of contracting a type of oral cancer, do some extra research before you see your dentist so that if you have any questions, you will know what to ask.

Posted on January 31st, 2015


Oral Cancer Information for Everyone

Models - 54If you had a history of cancers such as breast or colon in your family, you would automatically have yourself screened. The same should apply to oral cancer. Your mouth is just as susceptible to cancer cells than any other part of your body.

Oral cancer includes cancers of the:

  • Cheeks
  • Lips
  • Hard palate
  • Soft palate
  • Floor of the mouth
  • Sinuses
  • Throat

Any of these types of cancer can be life threatening if not treated quickly. So early screening is vital to making sure cancer does not develop in these areas. Doctors will tell you that cancer typically has very few active symptoms; this is another reason why screening is important. However, there are a few things you can consider as symptoms that should alert you early on and let you know that you need to get checked.

These are some of the common symptoms:

  • Rough spots on the lips and other areas of the mouth
  • Unexplained numbness
  • Pain in the face, neck and mouth
  • Swelling and thickening of the lips and gums
  • The development of red white and/or speckled patches in the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing, speaking, swallowing or moving the jaw and/or tongue

Some lifestyle choices increase your chances of developing oral cancer. For instance, if you are a heavy smoker, you should quit immediately. Studies show that almost 40,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. Many of these are a direct result of smoking. This includes cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. You can also contract oral cancer from excessive drinking. Cancer is six times more common in people who drink alcohol than those who don’t. It can also come from excessive sun exposure.

You can do something about your risk of contracting oral cancer. If you have a family history with oral cancer, you need to plan for regular screenings and be on the lookout for symptoms.

Posted on January 15th, 2015


Invisalign Braces – What’s the Big Deal?

Models - 54The days of a person getting by with misaligned teeth are over; braces have been much too common over the past 60 years. Still, the thought of all that metal, the aching teeth, the prickly wires, and all the rest make adults resistant to the idea of straightening their teeth.

Fortunately, Invisalign Braces give adults an alternative to conventional metal braces. Invisalign uses a series of aligners that are fabricated from clean plastic and are virtually invisible when in use. A 3D scan is used to produce the most incredibly accurate brace possible, which not only fits likes a glove, but is supremely comfortable. You’ll even get a picture showing exactly how your teeth will look when the Invisalign treatment is complete!

Along with being totally invisible to anyone other than you, another bonus of Invisalign is that the aligner can be removed. Simply pop it out anytime you want to brush, floss, eat, drink, or just take a well-deserved break. Contrast that with the day-to-day hassles of
metal braces.

And if all this wasn’t enough, the Invisalign treatment method is able to deliver much faster results than any comparable treatment. So, not only is it a wholly pleasant alternative to traditional braces, but it also delivers faster results. There’s really never been an innovation quite like Invisalign when it comes to offering adults and children alike a genuinely new-generation approach to straightening teeth.

Give us a call today to organize a free, no-obligation consultation.

Posted on December 31st, 2014


Braces – Common Questions from Adult Patients

iStock_000005952510SmallIt may be teenagers that represent the primary market for braces, but every day thousands of American adults explore the possibilities of aesthetic tooth correction. However, while braces are a normal part of growing up, they’re much more of a rarity among adults and prompt a few common questions.

Am I Too Old to Have Braces?

Generally speaking, if you still have a mouth filled with strong, healthy teeth, you’re never too old to think about having braces. It’s a common misconception to assume that only kids can have their teeth straightened with braces – they also work for adults!

Can Braces in Adulthood Yield the Same Results?

Absolutely. The reason this often gets a little confused is that in adult patients it usually takes a little longer for the teeth to gradually move into place, for the simple reason that a child’s teeth are still developing when treated. Given a little patience and the touch of an expert, the results will be fabulous.

Will the Braces Hamper my Everyday Life?

It depends what type of braces you opt to have, but if you choose to go with the latest innovations in cosmetic dentistry like Invisalign braces, for example, the answer is no. These braces are not only nearly invisible, but are extraordinarily easy to care for.

Will I be Able to Afford Braces?

The answer is a big yes! Modern cosmetic dental treatments are much more affordable than they used to be. Plus, any good practitioner will offer an array of options to spread out your payment obligations.

The smile you’ve always dreamed of is within your reach – you’re never to old to consider braces!

Posted on December 14th, 2014


Why Should Diabetics Be More Concerned of Their Oral Health?

Diabetes is more than just elevated glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. By and large, diabetics and those who are in the pre-diabetic phases may suffer from complications involving the kidneys, heart and other vital organs. Your oral health is no exception. Here at our Springfield dental practice, we have seen a lot of patients who suffer from oral health conditions due to difficulties with their blood sugar levels.

Apart from lowering your resistance to infection and slowing down the healing process, the following oral health conditions has been associated with  persistently elevated sugar levels in the blood:

  • tooth decay
  • gum disease characterized by swollen, tender gums and/or gums that have pulled away from your teeth
  • impaired taste
  • persistent infection
  • salivary gland dysfunction
  • persistent bad breath

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, we encouraged you to get in touch with us. We also suggest that you have your blood sugar levels in control first and inform us about the medications you’re taking. 

For a free no-obligation consultation, call us at (703) 750-9404 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve a naturally beautiful smile!


Posted on November 29th, 2013


How to Quickly Recover from Your Springfield Tooth Extraction

Here at our Virginia dental practice, tooth extractions could range from being a surgical procedure to a more complex type of surgery. The former is applied when the tooth is still visible in the mouth and the extraction will only require minimal equipment such as forceps and an elevator. On the other hand, the latter is required when the teeth in question cannot be easily accessed because they have not fully erupted or they are fractured under the gum line.

The key to quickly recovering from your tooth extraction is to allow the blood clot to form to help cover the extraction site. Here are a few tips to how to promote such quick and safe healing!

  • Take it easy following extraction. Avoid bending and heavy lifting for the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. Exercises may be postpone as well.
  • Do not wait for pain to set in. Take pain relievers as prescribed. This applies as well to antibiotics if you have been prescribed with it.
  • Numbness is normal for the first few hours following extraction yet if you still feel numb after 6 hours post-procedure, it is best to contact your dentist right away. Although the effects of the anesthesia may have been extended, it is best to let your oral surgeon know about it.
  • Avoid rinsing vigorously or drinking through a straw for the first 24 hours. After this initial period, you can rinse at least 3 to 4 times a day with a combination of salt and warm water to rid your teeth of food debris.
  • Brushing should be done once the swelling has subsided. When brushing, be careful not to brush near the extraction to avoid dislodging the blood clot.
  • Stick to a liquid or soft food diet during the first 24 to 48 hours.

Do you still have questions about tooth extractions here in our Springfield clinic? For a free no-obligation consultation, call us at (703) 750-9404 or fill out this contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve a naturally beautiful smile!


Posted on November 15th, 2013




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